Performance Center Communications
A Performance Center can be a somewhat sprawling facility. They typically have multiple theatres, multiple dressing rooms, a carpentry area and additional the box office and administrative space. 像这样的设施的通信系统似乎需要从一个重要的通信设备开始, but that’s actually not the case. 阿卡迪亚中央车站是一个1RU设备,支持多达64个来自FreeSpeak所有三个频段的腰带包, 128 HelixNet devices using 24 channels, and 16 ports of I.V. Direct connections. On top of that, 该站有额外的64个Dante/AES67端口,可以通过灵活的端口许可系统添加. 该设备还容纳2线和4线端口,以添加模拟对讲设备和第三方设备. 这种可伸缩性使得用单个设备覆盖整个Performance Center成为现实.
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